Whilst it is a fun and a creative venture to play with the designs and different styles of make-up, the most important thing to remember is to look after your skin. Whilst many beauty gurus discuss the ways in which to be creative with your make-up, the maintenance of your skin is by far the most important element in the mix. Some may consider this from the standpoint that it is important to simply look after your skin, as it is important to look after yourself, whilst others may simply consider it as important because it is the base canvas for your make-up creations!
Throughout our day-to-day activities, we usually don’t recognise the stress we put on our skin, the biggest organ of the body. Due to over exposure in the sun, the use of harsh chemicals, poor diet and a combination of other factors, our skin is often left feeling neglected. This blog post aims to offer tips and guidance in how to revive and maintain a perfect complexion, with or without make-up.
Basic tips:
Practice cleanliness daily
Make-sure to follow a balanced skin-care routine on a daily basis, preferably day and night, in order to keep those pores clog-free and squeaky clean!
Throw away those chips!
Maintain a healthy and balanced diet, preferably with lots of fruit and veggies, as well as fish (high in omega 3 fatty acids) and nuts, and make-sure to steer clear of sugar, bad oils and processed foods.
Spend some time in the sun
Whilst over-exposure can be harmful to your skin, a moderate amount of direct sunlight is beneficial in both
healing and revitalising your skin. About 20 minutes of direct time in the sun is enough to let your skin heal naturally. When you spend time in the sun, the body’s serotonin levels increase, which leaves you feeling happier and helps your body to sleep easier!
Get enough shut-eye
Perfect skin begins the day before. Your skin is the biggest organ in your body, and it needs its rest to recuperate and heal, so that it can function its best the next day. In order to maintain a clear complexion, get into the habit of getting to bed early. Zzzzzzz
Skincare routine
What you will need:
- Cleanser
- Toner
- Moisturiser
- Scrub
- Eye cream (optional)
- Moisturising System (optional)
- A towel
1) Cleanse your skin (morning and night)
Splash your face with warm water, to open up your pores and gently cleanse using circular motions. Be sure to use a cleanser that is acidic rather than alkaline based, as it doesn’t strip your skin of its natural oils – you don’t want your skin to “squeak” when you rub it, otherwise it will replace the feeling of dryness with extra oil, making your skin work doubly as hard. Also, make sure not to forget the décolletage area, which is often forgotten!
*tip: When cleansing at night, make sure to cleanse for a whole 60 seconds
2) Scrub (only once to twice a week max.)
Place a dollop the size of a 20c piece on one hand and use the other to scrub the areas that need it the most (generally the t-zone area) in circular motions. Then rinse with cold water to close your pores and pat dry.
3) Tone
Pour or spray toner onto a make-up pad and apply to face to make sure all of the dirt and oils are eliminated from your skin
*tip: spray toners are quite easy and effective to use
4) Apply Eye Cream and Moisturising system (optional)
At night (when we sleep) is the time when the body does most of its repair work. To give
it a kick-start you may want to apply an eye cream (to counteract the appearance of wrinkles
and/or dark circles) around the eye and under-eye area. Use a dollop of only half the size of a 5c piece and gently pat around eyes.
*tip: We suggest the Nutrimetics Moisturising System as a winner in this section, which has also been proven to improve the effects of mild eczema, rosacea and/or particularly dry areas.
5) Moisturise
Don’t be afraid to moisturise! There is a misconception that someone with oily skin cannot use a moisturiser, as it will bring extra unnecessary oil to the skin, but this is not true! Without moisturiser the skin works doubly as hard to produce more sebum and as a result, becomes naturally oilier.
Apply a light amount of moisturiser to your skin in the morning and a moderate amount of moisturiser during the night depending on how oily/dry your skin is and see the results in the morning!
*tip: If your skin seems to be “rolling” off in little bits when you apply foundation, primer or moisturiser, it generally means that your skin is dry
And that's it! Ways to look after your skin and a routine of 5 simple steps! Easy
What are your favourite ways to look after your skin? Did you find our tips useful? Let us know!
Some beauty tips from fellow gurus:
Isabel Zipevski
pictures by:
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